Martes, Marso 14, 2017

Lesson 11

The Computer as a the teachers tool

Constructivism was introduced by Piaget (1981) and Bruner (1990). They give stress to knowledge discovery of new meaning /concepts principles in the learning process. Various strategies have been suggested to foster knowledge discovery, among these , is making students engaged in gathering unorganized information from which they can induce ideas and principles. Students are also asked to apply discovered knowledge to new situations, a process for making their knowledge applicable to real life situations.
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While knowledge is constructed by the individual learner in constructivism, knowledge can also be socially constructed. Social constructivism is an effort to show that the construction of knowledge is governed by social, historical, and cultural contexts. In effect, this is to say that the learner who interprets knowledge has a predetermined point of view according to the social perspectives of the community or society he lives in.
The psychologist Vygotsky stressed that learning is affected by social influences. He therefore suggested the interactive process in learning. The more capable adult (teacher or parent) or classmate can aid or complement what the learner sees in a given class project. In addition, Dewey sees language as a medium for social coordination and adaptation. For Dewey human learning is really human language that occurs when students socially share, build and agree upon meanings and knowledge.

In instruction using instructional tools are necessary in teaching because these will aid the teacher in teaching the students well in order for them to really grasp the concept of whatever the topic is being tackled. Nowadays because students are more visual learners and they will learn best if they would be able to see the microscopic concept instead of just oral explanation that’s why most of the teachers are using technology like computers by projecting images on screen for the benefits of the students. Also, some of the teacher are using film showing as part of their instruction to help students in their learning and it can really catch someone’s attention so it can be of great help in maintaining the class’ participation.
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Without integrating computer in instruction maybe we are still using the traditional way of preparing visual aids which is stressful for the teacher’s part. But because of computer assisted instruction, and using computer as part of the instruction, it will be very convenient for the teacher to teach because aside from simulation, images can be seen in order for the students to grasp the topic well if they are visual spatial learner. Though it is very helpful, a teacher must be sensitive enough because this type of instruction is best suited to visual learners only.
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Because of the use of a computer as a teacher’s tool, learning is easy and class is no longer boring because student’s interests are already taken into consideration. Thus, there will be an active participation between the teacher and the students. One important application of these is by using an LCD television in class discussion wherein students can freely see what are happening beyond the macroscopic level of the things that are happening around us.
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Lesson 12

Information technology in Support of Student-Centered Learning

The idea of students centered learning is not a recent idea. In fact, as early as the 20thcentury, educational educators such as John Dewey argued for a highly active and individualized pedagogical methods which place the students at the center of the teaching-learning process.
It may be observe that after spending so many minutes in lesson presentation and class management, students can get restless and fidgety. Often enough, the teacher has to misbehavior in class as students starts to talk among themselves or simply stare away in lack of attention. To prevent this situation, teachers often make students take time to work individually on worksheets can help the situation.

The Traditional Classroom
         It may be observed that classroom are usually arranged with neat columns and rows of student chairs, while the teacher stands in front of the classroom or sits behind his desk. This situation is necessitated by the need to maintain classroom discipline, also to allow the teacher to control classroom activities through lecture presentation and teacher-led discussion.
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The SCL Classroom

          In industrialize societies we find knowledge-based economies in which workers depend on information that can be accessed through information and communication technologies (ICT's). Desiring to gain effectiveness, efficiency and economy in administration and instruction, schools in these developed economies have also adopted the support of ICT's. Their students have now become active not passive learners, who can interact with other learners, demonstrating independence and self-awareness in the learning process.
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Generally the new school classroom environment is characterized by student individually or in groups:

  • Performing computer word processing for text or graph presentations
  • Preparing power-point presentation
  • Searching for information on the Internet
  • Brainstorming on ideas, problems and project plans
  • As needed, the teacher facilitating instruction, also giving individualized instruction to serve individual needs.
Most students had experience doing some research in the internet cafe and prepared presentation in MS PowerPoint to be presented in class and by doing such things students creativity and knowledge in the topic is tested and because they are the one doing this, the level of retention is high compared to the lecture method being used in the class. And also, through this students are becoming dependent on themselves and not to the teacher.

In the actual field of teaching, to be able to get the interest of the students, it is very important to make the class interactive as much as possible and teacher must vary his/her own teaching strategies to avoid boredom that suffocates every learner. It has been known that classes are becoming productive because technology is already integrated in teaching, those passive learners will become an active learners and this is done by doing activities wherein students will be the one who are going to create their own outputs, they are allowed to showcase their abilities and skills.
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Most school nowadays have their own computer room and computer literacy subject as part of their instructions. But because of the demands of the society students nowadays are computer literate and they are somewhat more advance compared to the older generations or even to their teachers. However, because of the presence of the computer, learning ca be made easy and fun because students can freely research in advance and search the net for more additional information but as a teacher we must see to it that the information from the internet were genuine because the WWW is a very big gamble, it can offer you with so many things without the assurance of its authenticity.
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Lesson 13

Cooperative Learning with the Computer

Singapore has set the global pace for student learning with a 2:1(2 pupils with 1 computer) ratio in its master plan for IT in education. This show that even in other progressive countries, the1:1 pupil-computer ratio is still an ideal to be achieved. Reality therefore dictates that school faces the fact that each classroom, especially in public or government schools, may not be equipped with the appropriate numbers of computer.

            The creativity of the teacher will have to respond to the situation, and so cooperative learning will likely be the answer to the implementation of IT supported learning in our schools. But the situation may not be that bad since there are motivational and social benefits to cooperative learning and these can compensate for the lack of hardware that educators face.

Defining Cooperative Learning

Cooperative or collaborative learning is learning by small groups of students who work together in common learning task. It is often also called grouped learning but to be truly cooperative learning 5 elements are needed:
1.    A common goal
2.    Interdependence
3.    Interaction
4.    Individual accountability
5.    Social skills
Therefore not every group work is cooperative learning since students working on their work sheets physically sat around a table may be working together without these features of cooperative learning.

In a classroom settings, teachers can just discuss what will be the expected output of the students and how to create such output by giving instructions and it will be up to the students on how they will come up with such output by using their own creativity and by just relying on their own skills and ability in accomplishing something that needs to be done. One example of this is making a presentation under Google slides where you can share it with your group mates or classmates for clarifications and corrections provided that your group mates or classmates were also accessing the internet.
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It is hard to deny the fact that using technology has its advantages and disadvantages and it is up to the people using these on how they will utilize the technology in a good way on how it can benefit the user or even the people around him/her. Using technology in instruction is very beneficial to us because we can always communicate with each other online. We are able to discuss things without seeing each other personally.
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As a student it is very important to have a good communication with the group about the progress of task or activity even if students within a group is in different places. They can still cooperate and do some things online.
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Lesson 14

The Software as an Educational Resource

Whenever people think about computers, they are most likely thinking about the computer machine such as the television-like monitor screen, the keyboard to type on, the printer which produces copies of text-and-graphics material, and the computer housing called “the box” which contains the electronic parts and circuits (the central processing unit) that receives/ stores data and direct computer operations. The computer machine or hardware is naturally an attention-getter.
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      It’s more difficult to realize, however, that the computer hardware can hardly be useful without the program or system that tells what the computer machine should do. This is called software.

There are two kinds of software:

1. The system software. This is the operating system that is found or bundled inside all computer machines.
2. The application software. This contains the system that commands the particular task or solves a particular problem.

In turn the applications software may be:

(a) A custom software that is made for specific tasks often by large corporations, or
(b) commercial software packaged for personal computers that helps with a variety of tasks such as writing papers, calculating numbers, drawing graphs, playing games, and so much more.

Microsoft Windows

Also referred to as program, Microsoft Windows or Windows for short is an operating environment between the user and the computer operating system. Also called a shell, it is a layer that creates the way the computer should work. Windows uses a colorful graphics interface (called GUI – pronounced “gooee”) that can be seen on the computer screen or monitor whenever the computer is turned on.
The user can work with on-screen pictures (icons) and suggestions (menus) to arrive at the desired software. Windows 95 (now improved with Windows 2003 and 2007) is software designed for Microsoft Windows. Actually, Windows is in itself a self-contained operating system which provides

· User convenience – just click a file name to retrieve data or click from program to program as easy as changing channels in your TV screen
· A new look – fancy borders, smooth and streamlined text fonts
· Information center – Windows puts all communications activities (e-mail, downloads etc. in a single screen icon); adapts/configures the computer for the Internet.
· Plug and play – configures the computer with added components, such as for sound and video.
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Instructional Software

Instructional software can be visited on the Internet or can be bought from software shops or dealers. The teacher through his school should decide on the best computer-based instructional (CBI) materials for the school resource collection. But beware since CBIs need much improvement, while web-based educational resources are either extremely good or what is complete garbage. In evaluating computer-based educational materials, the following can serve as guidelines:

· Be extremely cautious in using CBIs and “free” Internet materials
· Don’t be caught up by attractive graphics, sound, animation, pictures, video clips and music forgetting their instructional worth
· Teachers must evaluate these resources using sound pedagogical principles.
· Among design and content elements to evaluate are: the text legibility, effective use of color schemes, attractive layout and design, and easy navigation from section-to-section (such as from game to tutorial to drill-and-practice section)
· Clarity in the explanations and illustrations of concepts and principles
· Accuracy, coherence, logic of information
· Their being current since data/statistics continually change
· Relevance/effectiveness in attaining learning objectives
· Absence of biased materials (e.g. gender bias or racial bias)
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Lesson 15

Understanding Hypermedia

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Hypermedia is nothing but multimedia, but this time packaged as educational computer software where information is presented and student activities are in a virtual learning environment. Most Educational IT application is hypermedia and these include:
●         Tutorial Software Packages
●         Knowledge Webpage’s
●         Simulation Instructional Games
●         Learning Project Management and Others
The presentation of information-learning activities in hypermedia is said to be sequenced in a non-linear manner, meaning that the learner may follow his path of activities thus providing an environment of learner autonomy and thinking skills. This fact makes it therefore important to understand hypermedia in the educational context in order to ensure their successful integration in the teaching-learning process.
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The learner also has a wide range of navigation routes such as by working on concepts he is already familiar with. They may even follow a linear or logical path, even if the previous activity is half-completed. He may explore other sections opting to return or complete the previous activity.

In a world where everything seems being dependent with technology you can never expect something that is done without the use of it. Students before exerts lots of effort in order to complete a project or task. They go to libraries, ask resource persons took samples personally and so many possible ways. Well, that was before when technology is hard to find. The students of this generation is far beyond compare, they sit in front of their computers and in a blink of an eye, and HOOLLAA everything you need is right there in front you without even having a single sweat.
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Technology itself is never bad, it is always up to someone how it is being utilized. It okay to use technology but make sure that you are not being governed by it. It can help and aid human living especially in studies, it is no longer important if you have all the books as long as you have your computer and an access to the internet.

It is challenging for the teacher but it must be a challenged accepted to make every students well-rounded about technology not as a tool in learning but as something that can help them in their future when they graduated because even cashiers nowadays uses computer. We must always cope with the pace of this very fast-changing world.
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